An ongoing workshop series in Barcelona for unblocking the imagination and fostering resilience in our creative, professional, and personal lives.


The boundaries between spontaneous behavior, your voice, and the written word are more porous than you might think.

Drawing on writing/performance traditions including the Groundlings, this ongoing workshop series weaves the tools of improv, writing, and acting to help us generate ideas, flesh out stories, and express ourselves more fluidly through character–even when that character is us. Through automatic writing exercises, improv technique, and monologue/sketch workshopping, we’ll cultivate plasticity in sharing and refining our ideas.

For all levels of experience in improv, writing, and scripted performance – creative or “non-creative” (fictional) people alike –  or anyone who’s dealt with perfectionism, writer’s block, or the inner-critic in any area of play, work, or life. Bring yourself, pencil, and paper, and you’ll be surprised what shows up.

Times: Tuesdays 7:30pm - 10:00pm

Starting: Tuesday 14th May

Location: Arts de Lavanda, Del Paradís 6, Barcelona

Cost: 25€ per session, or 6 pack for 130€ (to be used when you choose)

Language: English (Spanglish welcome, and the instructor is also fluent in Castellano)


About the Instructor

Jo Garrity is a Californian improviser, writer, and filmmaker based in Barcelona. Working backwards, Jo learned of improv while working as a research intern at Saturday Night Live. Watching weekly shows at the Upright Citizens Brigade Theatre, he learned gradually that improv was not exclusively for Extreme Extroverts or Professional Actors. In 2010, he stepped nervously into his first class at the YWCA Berkeley, catching a bug that has plagued him through the training programs of Bay Area Theatre Sports Improv (SF), the Upright Citizens Brigade Theatre (NY), and the Groundlings (LA). He earned an MFA in Creative Writing and Writing for the Performing Arts at the University of California, Riverside, where he majored in screenwriting with a minor in creative nonfiction. He writes essays, poetry, and screenplays, including his personal tragicomedy, Twinsburg.
